


Rosalind is a writer, editor, radical activist, yogini, professional skipper, and great cook. She is a scholar of the English mystic poets, in particular William Blake, and has presented on Blake's non-dual vision around the world and contributed to academic and general publications. She created the Dirt from a desire to present more radical, heartfelt, useful perspectives to the world on things that matter. Once an environmental activist, she now runs independent publishing company Silver Snake Press and is overjoyed to work with her partner & Yoga teacher Mark Whitwell sharing Yoga around the world — the practical means to change one’s perception to notice the beauty and power of life, and bring relief to our burdened inner and outer ecologies. 


Andy raba

Andy is a writer and social activist currently living in Wellington, Aotearoa/New Zealand. He holds a Master’s degree in English Literature specialising in the visionary science fiction of Philip K. Dick. As a university (college) tutor, Andy has seen first-hand the suffering young people experience as they navigate achievement systems and relationships, and is committed to sharing useful words that enable everyone to enjoy the sublimity of a free life of intimacy, friendship, and adventure. Andy works in a suburban library and also teaches Yoga in the city, helping people to connect with their autonomous life through breath. His writing works to reinvest the mundane with value and humour.


Nico Sarani

Nico Sarani, Yoga Teacher RYT 500+

 For Nico, yoga is more than just a physical practice. It’s a way of living; a philosophy and practice that gives us tools to a better and more joyful way of being. Nico’s passion for yoga developed when she was studying at a top university in NYC several years ago and was looking for a much-needed compensation to balance out the heavy academic performance pressure. Ever since, her practice of yoga has become a way to listen and enquire within, leading us to more presence and calmness in everyday life as well as having the power to guide us to more wellbeing in body and mind.

Nico has been studying and working closely with well-known teachers such as Mark Whitwell and Indra & A.G. Mohan. To gain a broader understanding of the human body and mind she has also studied yoga therapy with their son Ganesh Mohan and Berlin-based orthopedist and yoga teacher Günter Niessen. Being passionate about all things that relate to a mindful and healthy lifestyle, Nico is also a certified health-, movement- and hypnosis coach.

Nico's academic studies in the fields of yoga and South Asian culture and art have given her a particular understanding of the historical and philosophical background of this beautiful and transformative tradition. She continues to transmit her knowledge in yoga retreats, trainings, and workshops.

 As Nico strongly believes in yoga as a life-transforming practice being performed consciously and always in tune with the breath, her teaching is focused on a mindful approach to asana, strengthening body- and self-awareness. In her classes calming sequences allow for introspection while more challenging postures increase focus and strength, both giving you the means to master life’s challenges with more ease and a deeper connection to yourself.
