The Animal Body

Have you ever wondered why Yoga āsana are named after animals?

We have a whole bunch of them: the cobra, the peacock, of course the dogs, we also have a camel, a fish, and a dove…

When I started with Yoga over 20 years ago i never spent a lot of thoughts on this. I giggled a bit when I heard them the first time, but I didn’t really think about it. After getting used to their names, I put a little effort into pronouncing them correctly in Sanskrit, but that was it…

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Drillers in the Mist — Exploring Yoga in the Mining Industry (or a Love Letter?)

Popey was having a hard time. Things were desperate, dull and dissolute in the lead up to Christmas. The bulls had been kicking up dust in the city office, and the team, including the Drillers and Fieldies, were bored, tired and overworked — a sure-fire recipe for trouble. I was leaving that day for Christmas break despite Popey’s conviction that I had been permanently transferred to his team. Later that day there would be tears, but not from me, for once.

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Mark Whitwell on Teaching the Heart of Yoga in Christian Communities

In this article, we collate advice for those who share yoga in strongly Christian communities, for how to break down barriers and teach in a non-dogmatic way.

Yoga is what you do as your principal devotion. It is your principal practice. Not puja, not meditation, not kirtan, not philosophy. In the ancient times, asana itself was what was done in the temple to your deity.

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